Ugrás a kezdőoldalra Ugrás a tartalomhoz Ugrás a menüre
Lili Fabacsovics, Zsolt Süle , Gábor Z. Kovács
play with music
Omega, László Vándorfi
rock fantasy
Csaba Horváth


Pannon Várszínház Theatre Arts Development Non-profit Ltd was founded by the Self-Governments of Nagyvázsony Village and Várpalota Town, Internmed LP, and László Vándorfi on 16th February 2001. The theatre’s name (Pannon Várszínház) was initially chosen to reflect on its connections with the castles and historical locations of Veszprém city, Veszprém county and the former Pannnonia region as well as the events, persons and values which are linked to them. Ever since, the theatre’s artistic aim has been to create a contemporary representation of these and at the same time provide a comprehensive arts response to the conflicts of our recent past and the present. The meaning of the word “Vár” in the theatre’s name has by now come to refer to the designation of an institution which is open to receive a wide range of performances and audiences.

Our organizational form is non-profit ltd. We run two divisions: prose and dance (from 17th August 2012). We address all age groups. From nursery children to adults, we educate our audiences to become modern-minded receivers of art. In addition to a range of performances for specific target groups, our popular musical shows are also meant to bring audiences closer to contemporary artistic trends and methods. For our musical performances we prefer Hungarian plays and live music. The core of our artistic creed is striving to create performances which redefine genre boundaries, revalidate traditions through new approaches, and provide a fusion of modern art achievements regardless of genre.

The constant shifting back and forth between traditional and contemporary techniques is made possible by our comprehensive arts methods, in which music, dance and fine arts are not merely applied art forms but are given an equal and associated status. This is the strongest distinguishing feature of our artistic work. Every year, the DANCE - International Contemporary Festival gives us an additional opportunity to explore a range of genres and art branches.

PannOnline - Online theater newspaper

Data of public interest

Magyarország Videós Arcképcsarnoka:

Színház a cethal hátán - Pannon Várszínház:

Nyári turné (2016):

Színház a cethal hátán - A Tánc Fesztiválja:

Színház a cethal hátán - Retro Színház:

Tavaszi Fesztivál:

Strandszínház Alsóörsön:

Equus a Nemzeti Színházban (2016. 11. 22.):

Égi vándor Sepsiszentgyörgyön - sajtótájékoztató:

Égi vándor Sepsiszentgyörgyön (2011. 05. 02.):

Színház a cethal hátán - FüredFest:

Exkluzív Színház Balatonfüreden:

Stúdiószínházi sorozat a Pannon Várszínházban (2008/2009):

Püspöki Palota Színházi Játékok - Sümeg:
