Ugrás a kezdőoldalra Ugrás a tartalomhoz Ugrás a menüre
Lili Fabacsovics, Zsolt Süle , Gábor Z. Kovács
play with music
Omega, László Vándorfi
rock fantasy
Csaba Horváth


Pannon Várszínház Theatre Arts Development Non-profit Ltd was founded by the Self-Governments of Nagyvázsony Village and Várpalota Town, Internmed LP, and László Vándorfi on 16th February 2001. The theatre’s name (Pannon Várszínház) was initially chosen to reflect on its connections with the castles and historical locations of Veszprém city, Veszprém county and the former Pannnonia region as well as the events, persons and values which are linked to them. Ever since, the theatre’s artistic aim has been to create a contemporary representation of these and at the same time provide a comprehensive arts response to the conflicts of our recent past and the present. The meaning of the word “Vár” in the theatre’s name has by now come to refer to the designation of an institution which is open to receive a wide range of performances and audiences.


The gates of the Inota Retro Theatre opened in the Béke (Peace) Community Centre of the Bakony Power Plant on 28th November 2009. Pannon Várszínház, which currently rents the building, had used it as a warehouse and a rehearsal place for years. Now they would like to fill it with various fine arts summoning the spirit of the 60s-70s-80s in the preserved building.



25th International Contemporary Festival

27 MAY - 6 JUNE 2024

Awards and recognitions

Családbarát munkahely minősítés

Családbarát munkahely minősítés

A TÁNC Fesztiválja - Kiemelt Művészeti Fesztivál minősítés

Pannon Várszínház – Veszprém megyei Prima Díj

2017. 05. 23.
Vad Fruttik - Likó Marcell - Géczi János - Vándorfi László - Molnár Ervin - Lenchés Márton: A Bunkerrajzoló - Szeged, Finálé Regionális Kamaraszínházi Fesztiválon való részvétel

A TÁNC Fesztiválja - Kiemelt Művészeti Fesztivál minősítés

OlimpiArt (színész olimpia)

Pilinszky János: Élőképek - Kaleidoszkóp Nemzetközi Versfesztivál, Vizualitás különdíj

2011. 05. 02.
Omega - Vándorfi László: Égi vándor - Sepsiszentgyörgy, Szent György Napokon való részvétel

Színházunk - alapítói szándékához hűen – közszolgálatot teljesít, közfeladatot lát el, működésében hatékonyságra törekszik, elsősorban nem üzleti céllal.



Social Renewal Operational Programme

Hungarian version:

The Company

László Vándorfi
I am a Veszprém native and attended the local Lovassy László Secondary Grammar School. A Hungarian and Russian major at the Faculty of Arts of Eötvös Loránd University, I started acting and directing at the legendary University Stage Universitas Company. Then I went on to join Katona József Theatre in Kecskemét, Budapest Népszínház (People’s Theatre), and the Hungarian National Theatre, later returning to Kecskemét, this time as actor-director. With the exception of one season (spent at Hevesi Sándor Theatre in Zalaegerszeg) I have been in service of the Veszprém theatre scene since 1986. From 1991 to 2000 I worked as actor-director of Petőfi Theatre of Veszprém. I founded Pannon Várszínház in 2001, where I continue to hold the position of managing director and stage director, while I also take on roles as an actor. Our theatre employs a multidisciplinary approach to art, stages a range of genres in line with contemporary trends, and has a prose and a dance division. As a member on the artisitic board of the city preparing to hold the ECoC (European Capital of Culture) title I assist work with my experience in the theatre, dance theatre and open-air event organization areas. Magyarország Videós Arcképcsarnoka: Színház a cethal hátán: Portréfilm: more


In 2023 Veszprém will hold the title of European Capital of Culture. The same year will also be the Petőfi Memorial Year, the 200th anniversary of his birth. In honor of the occasion, Pannon Várszínház announced an invitational competition with the aim of completing Sándor Petőfi’s unfinished play, Karaffa. The authors were given free rein of the original 15-page manuscript, there were no constraints regarding length or genre.


There are two venues for this project in Veszprém’s city centre: the FORTEpiano courtyard (Szabadság tér 1.) and the Pannónia dell’arte courtyard (Rákóczi u. 5.).


Veszprém, as a city with county rights has a number of featured festivals out of which the oldest is the annual DANCE International Contemporary Festival.


Veszprém’s Cholnoky family held great influence at the turn of the century. Their intellectual achievements (in the fields of literature, geography and medical sciences) reached not only national but international recognition as well. Their work and lifestyle allows us to glimpse into the process of how Veszprém became a refined city of culture. The family’s national and international recognition gave new perspectives to the creators, making the adventurous lives and complex personalities of the Cholnoky family convey modern messages.
